We create an advert or mini-movie designed around your business to promote your Company in the most effective way possible. This is displayed on a Host digital signage system, which itself has been chosen because of its prime location and the amount and type of viewers.
We establish the kind of message that you wish to get across and then use images, video, audio, animations, transitions and text to create your advert in the most appealing way, in order to attract attention and make an impact.
You may wish to publicise, for example, the variety of services you offer, your Brand name, a special offer or your business location.
You can choose between a 20-second or 40-second advert, or even have multiple ads running on the same Host system.
We offer exclusivity to types of business so that there is no conflict of interest; so, in the case of Chinese Restaurants, for example, no other Chinese Restaurant would advertise on the same Host. When the content is agreed, we schedule it to display at the appropriate Host site.
It is also possible to schedule certain information on your adverts to appear at a specific time of day, thus targeting a particular audience with a specific message.
Your advert will be displayed approximately EVERY 15-20 minutes, EVERY DAY, EVERY WEEK, EVERY MONTH, for at least 12 MONTHS (or at least 72 times per day; 504 times per week; 2,190 times per month or 26,280 times per year).
Just compare traditional advertising with the power and cost of Digital Signage: Click Here
To see some examples, click here.